ESS-DIVE was announced as DataONE’s latest member node on September 18, 2018. “With the contributions from ESS-DIVE, DataONE now exposes over 1.16M data objects across its Member Nodes. By joining DataONE, ESS-DIVE reinforces its mission to preserve, expand access to, and improve usability of critical data. Deb Agarwal, a scientist in Berkeley Lab’s CRD and lead of the ESS-DIVE project, explains that becoming a DataONE Member Node will make ESS-DIVE “an even more powerful tool, as the library’s DOE-funded data contents will be discoverable in cross-catalogue searches.”
ESS-DIVE is a game changer…
A recent news article mentions ESS-DIVE as a game changer for environmental research.
“Now accessing archival data generated by environmental field, experimental and modeling activities has gotten much easier with the April 1 launch of ESS-DIVE (Environmental System Science – Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem)—a digital archive that serves as a repository for hundreds of U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-funded research projects under the agency’s Environmental System Science umbrella, which includes the Subsurface Biogeochemical Research and Terrestrial Ecosystem Sciences programs. The digital library also serves datasets that were previously stored in DOE’s Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center archive..”

NERSC podcast features ESS-DIVE
ESS-DIVE engineers Cory Snavely and Val Hendrix were interview in a NERSC (National Energy Research Super Computing Center) podcast, regarding the use of NERSC’s Spin platform for ESS-DIVE. Spin is is a Docker-based system designed for building and hosting scalable web services integrated to high performance computing resources.
Click here to listen to the podcast.
ESS-DIVE at the ESS PI Meeting
ESS-DIVE played an active role at the ESS PI and Cyberinfrastructure working group meetings, held on Apr 29-May 2, 2018 in Washington DC. The focus of ESS-DIVE activities was on outreach and training following the launch of the ESS-DIVE data portal on April 1, 2018.
ESS-DIVE activities at the PI meeting included:
– A plenary talk “ESS Data Archive Update”
– Posters titled “ESS-DIVE
– A hands-on demonstration and tutorial.
– An engaging discussion with the ESS Cyberinfrastructure working groups

ESS-DIVE visits SLAC SFA/Stanford
ESS-DIVE visited Stanford in December 2017 to meet with the SLAC SFA team, and the DOE university project “A Multiscale Approach to Modeling Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling within a High Elevation Watershed” led by Kate Maher. The ESS-DIVE team briefed the two projects on their latest developments and plans, and had an in-depth discussion on their data needs and plans.