At ESS-DIVE, we provide core services to support and publish FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data for the Environmental Systems Science (ESS) program. Explore all our features for ESS project data:
- Data Submission
- Review
- Publication
- Data Management
- Storage & Preservation
- Search & Access
- Data Management Support & Services
Join our mailing list to receive newsletters on ESS-DIVE feature upgrades
You must be a registered Data Contributor to submit data. Click here to start a request. ORCIDs are required to create an account on ESS-DIVE.
Web Submission Form
Create a new dataset or edit an existing one. Write metadata and upload files in an intuitive online interface.
Programmatic API
Create a new dataset or edit an existing one using Python, R, or JavaScript with ESS-DIVE’s REST API for datasets. Metadata is written in the JSON-LD format.
Globus for Large Data
ESS-DIVE uses Globus, a cloud-based transfer service, for large and complex data. Globus can also be used whenever you need assistance to upload data.
Test Data Submissions
Test out your data submissions on ESS-DIVE’s Sandbox service! The web submission form and Dataset API are available to test on Sandbox. You do not need to be a data contributor to use Sandbox, however an ORCID is still required.
ESS-DIVE Reporting Formats
Make your data more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) using guidelines and templates developed by ESS-DIVE and our project partners.
Metadata Assessment Reports
Check your automated Metadata Assessment Report before requesting publication to see if there are any unmet requirements or warnings in your dataset metadata.
1:1 Dataset Metadata Reviews
The ESS-DIVE team will review your dataset after you request publication and provide feedback to improve your dataset metadata.
Reporting Format File Review
The ESS-DIVE team evaluates your reporting format files during the standard review cycle. Automated file content validation is only available for File Level Metadata and Data Dictionary files. All other reporting format files are reviewed with limited manual checks.
After a dataset is reviewed and approved, datasets are published with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) providing a permanent link to the dataset.
Request Publication
ESS-DIVE’s intuitive publication interface makes it easy to let us know that your dataset is finalized. Send in a publication request to start the review process and make your dataset and DOI available to the public.
You can also send in bulk publication requests using the Dataset API!
Track Dataset Statuses
Review dynamic dataset statuses on your dataset landing page before and after publication. Find out exactly where you are in the publication process so you can efficiently manage your datasets.
Reserve DOIs
If you need a DOI now and cannot wait to complete the full review process, you can reserve a new DOI for your private dataset prior to publication. Then return at a later date to finalize your dataset and request a publication review to make your data and DOI publicly available.
You can also reserve DOI in bulk using the Dataset API!
Project Data Managers
A project data manager is a role that allows Principal Investigators (PI) to access their project information page and manage project teams. PIs can then assign additional people to this role.
Project Teams
Data contributors can be grouped into teams and granted shared access to project datasets.
Internal Sharing of Datasets and Data Portals
Collaborate with fellow data contributors to curate datasets and data portals. Share view, edit, or manage access with individual people or teams.
Data Portals
Create a collection of datasets on a unique webpage, known as a data portal. Data collections can be paired with descriptive pages and data usage metrics. You can also browse existing data portals.
External Links
Connect data files and metadata stored in other repositories to your ESS-DIVE dataset.
DOI Management Transfer
Work with the ESS-DIVE team to transfer ownership of OSTI records and automatically sync the latest updates on ESS-DIVE. Contact us to learn more.
Repository and Dataset Metrics
Understand how your data are being used over time with view, download, citation metrics, and more. Find summary metrics on public dataset landing pages, on your data contributor profile, or aggregated across all datasets in a data portal.
Project Metrics Jupyter Notebook
ESS-DIVE offers a ready-made Jupyter Notebook tool that can grab information about publication progress and export key usage metrics across project datasets.
Click here to learn more about our Data Preservation Plan.
Tier 1 Data Storage and Backups
ESS-DIVE’s primary storage layer (Tier 1) preserves data and all metadata, ensuring verification, provenance, versioning, and redundancy. Data are backed up with DataONE.
Tier 2 Storage
ESS-DIVE’s secondary storage layer (Tier 2) supports large, multi-terabyte datasets with hierarchical structures. Tier 2 does not store dataset metadata.
ESS-DIVE preserves backup copies of all data on tape at NERSC, and on disk on LBL IT storage.
Main Data Search and Download
The main data portal is your gateway to ESS-DIVE datasets. Search by fields such as project, authors, publication dates, identifiers, or filter by location with an interactive map.
Query Searches with Dataset API
Programmatically search for public datasets on ESS-DIVE using the Dataset API. If you are registered to submit data, you can also search for your private datasets.
Deep Dive API for Reporting Format Datasets
When datasets follow ESS-DIVE Reporting Formats, you can search within data files to efficiently find specific variables and data of interest.
And more!
Additional search and access capabilities supported through ESS-DIVE:
- Search & Download Tier 1 datasets on the DataONE Portal
- Search for Tier 1 datasets on Google Dataset Search
- Download Tier 2 data from both Globus and Tier 2 landing pages
Help Desk and Troubleshooting
Contact ESS-DIVE anytime for assistance with your metadata preparation, data upload, or publication. We’re here to support you! Reach us at or using the Contact Us form.
API Tutorials
Interested in learning how to use ESS-DIVE’s Dataset API or the Deep Dive API? Check out our selection of Jupyter Notebook tutorials! Find complete, ready-to-run tools that walk through the process of using our APIs from start to finish. No coding experience required.
1:1 Meetings
ESS-DIVE team members are available to meet with contributing ESS projects to provide information about ESS-DIVE or answer questions. Email us at to request to meet with a team member.
ESS-DIVE holds regular webinars on a variety of topics related to data management, preservation, and standardization. Join our mailing list to find out about the next one!
ESS-DIVE’s Annual Data Workshop
Every year ESS-DIVE hosts a two-day workshop to present tutorials on new and existing ESS-DIVE features, hear plenaries from ESS researchers, and to exchange scientific knowledge and opportunities. Each year focuses on a different theme and FAIR data challenge.
Interested in presenting? We’re all ears! Reach out to us as
ESS Meetings
Come find the ESS-DIVE Team at the Environmental System Science (ESS) Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Working Group Annual Meeting and the ESS Principal Investigators (PI) Annual Meeting! Visit our training events page to see how you can engage with the ESS-DIVE team at these meetings.