Journal Publications
- Crystal-Ornelas, R., Varadharajan, C., O’Ryan, D. et al. Enabling FAIR data in Earth and environmental science with community-centric (meta)data reporting formats. Sci Data 9, 700 (2022).
- Varadharajan, C., Hendrix V.C., Christianson D.S., Burrus M., Wong C., Hubbard S S., Agarwal D. (2022). BASIN-3D: A brokering framework to integrate diverse environmental data, Computers & Geosciences, Volume 159, 105024,
- Simmonds, M.B., Riley, W.J., Agarwal, D.A., Chen, X., Cholia, S., Crystal-Ornelas, R., Coon, E.T., Dwivedi, D., Hendrix, V.C., Huang, M., Jan, A., Kakalia, Z., Kumar, J., Koven, C.D., Li, L., Melara, M., Ramakrishnan, L., Ricciuto, D.M., Walker, A.P., … Varadharajan, C., 2022. Guidelines for Publicly Archiving Terrestrial Model Data to Enhance Usability, Intercomparison, and Synthesis. Data Science Journal, 21(1), p.3.
- Hills, D.J., Damerow, J.E., Ahmmed, B., Catolico, N., Chakraborty, S., Coward, C.M., Crystal-Ornelas, R., Duncan, W.D., Goparaju, L.N., Lin, C., Liu, Z., Mudunuru, M.K., Rao, Y., Rovetto, R.J., Sun, Z., Whitehead, B.P., Wyborn, L., Yao, L. (2022). Earth and Space Science Informatics Perspectives on Integrated, Coordinated, Open, Networked (ICON) Science.
- Sun, Z., Sandoval, L., Crystal-Ornelas, R., Mousavi, S. M., Wang, J., Lin, C., Cristea, N., Tong, D., Carande, W. H., Ma, X., Rao, Y., Bednar, J. A., Tan, A., Wang, J., Purushotham, S., Gill, T., Chastang, J., Howard, D., Holt, B., … John, A. (2022) A review of Earth Artificial Intelligence. Computers and Geosciences.
- Crystal-Ornelas, R., Varadharajan, C., Bond-Lamberty, B., Boye, K., Burrus, M., Cholia, S., Crow, M., Damerow, J., Devarakonda, R., Ely, K., Goldman, A., Heinz, S., Hendrix, V.C., Kakalia, Z., Pennington, S., Robles, E., Rogers, A., Simmonds, M., Velliquette, T., Weierbach, H., … Agarwal, D. A. (2021). A guide to using GitHub for developing and versioning data standards and reporting formats. Earth and Space Science, 8(8), e2021EA001797
- Damerow, J., Varadharajan, C., Boye, K., Brodie, E. L., Burrus, M., Chadwick, D. K., et al. (2021). Sample identifiers and metadata to support data management and reuse in multidisciplinary ecosystem sciences. Data Science Journal, 20, 1–19.
- Bond-Lamberty, B., Christianson, D. S., Crystal-Ornelas, R., Mathes, K., & Pennington, S. C. (2021). A reporting format for field measurements of soil respiration. Ecological Informatics.
- Agarwal, D., Damerow, J., Varadharajan, C., Christianson, D., Pastorello, G., Cheah, Y.-W., & Ramakrishnan, L. (2021). Balancing the needs of consumers and producers for scientific data collections. Ecological Informatics, 101251.
- Ely, K. S., Rogers, A., Agarwal, D. A., Ainsworth, E. A., Albert, L., Ali, A., et al. (2021). A reporting format for leaf-level gas exchange data and metadata. Ecological Informatics, 101232.
- Brantley, S. L., Wen, T., Agarwal, D. A., Catalano, J. G., Schroeder, P. A., Lehnert, K., Varadharajan, C., Pett-Ridge, J., Engle, M., Castronova, A. M., Hooper, R. P., Ma, X., Jin, L., McHenry, K., Aronson, E., Shaughnessy, A. R., Derry, L. A., Richardson, J., Bales, J., & Pierce, E. M. (2021). The future low-temperature geochemical data-scape as envisioned by the U.S. geochemical community. Computers & Geosciences, 157, 104933.
- Varadharajan, C., Cholia, S., Snavely, C., Hendrix, V., Procopiu, C., Swantek, D., et al. (2019). Launching an Accessible Archive of Environmental Data. Eos , 100.
DOE Workshop Reports
- BER AI4CH4 workshop report, data integration chapter, U.S. DOE. 2024. Artificial Intelligence for the Methane Cycle, DOE/SC-0213. U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science.
- U.S.DOE. Hickmon, N.L., Varadharajan, C., Hoffman, F.M., Collis S., & Wainwright, H.M. Artificial Intelligence for Earth System Predictability (AI4ESP) Workshop Report. United States.
- U.S. DOE, U.S. Department of Energy, “Integrated Hydro-Terrestrial Modeling: Development of a National Capability,” report
U.S. DOE (2019). Open Watersheds by Design. Available at
Conference Papers and Presentations
- Cholia, S., Varadharajan, C., Hendrix, V., Damerow, J., Robles, E., Agarwal, D., et al. (2024). ESS-DIVE: Building Scalable, Resilient, Interoperable Infrastructure for Data Repositories. Presented at the AGU Annual Meeting 2024, Hybrid Meeting: IN11A-06
- Robles, E., O’Ryan, D., Agarwal, D., Beilsmith, K., Bond-Lamberty, B., Boye, K., et al. (2024). A scalable and community-centered repository workflow for dataset review in support of FAIR data. Presented at the AGU Annual Meeting 2024, Hybrid Meeting: IN12A-03
- Damerow, J., Thomer, A., Stanley V. (2024). Complex Citations for Physical Sample Tracking and Credit. RDA 22nd Plenary Meeting. May 14-24.
- Damerow, J., Thomer, A., Stanley, V. (2024). Community and Technical Needs to Facilitate Sample Citation. ESIP. Conference contribution.
- Damerow, J., Thomer, A., Stanley, V. (2024). How can we connect and track use of physical samples and associated data?. ESIP. Conference contribution.
- Hendrix, V., Cholia, S., Varadharajan, C., Agarwal, D., Damerow. J., Elbashandy, H., et al. (2023). Enabling Integration Across Diverse Environmental Systems Data. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2023, Hybrid Meeting: IN14B-04
- Christianson, D., Hendrix, V., Varadharajan, C. (2023). BASIN-3D: Addressing the challenges and opportunity of earth science data synthesis. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2023, Hybrid Meeting: IN31E-0707
- Burrus, M., O’Brien, F., Agarwal, D., Damerow, J., Elbashandy, H., Hendrix, V., et al. (2023). Need for Interdisciplinary, Collaborative Data Management on Earth Science Data Repositories. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2023, Hybrid Meeting: IN41C-600
- Damerow, J., Agarwal, D., Burrus, M., Cholia, S., Elbashandy, H., Hendrix, V., et al. (2023). Linking and Citing Related Resources for Environmental System Science Research. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2023, Hybrid Meeting: IN31E-606
- Robles, E., Agarwal, D., Burrus, M., Damerow, J., Elbashandy, H., Hendrix, V., et al. (2023). Using FAIR-Guided Metadata Requirements for Diverse Data in the ESS-DIVE Data Repository. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2023, Hybrid Meeting: IN44A-07
- Christianson, D., Hendrix, V., Wong, C., Varadharajan, C., Agarwal, D. (2022). BASIN-3D: Data Synthesis Software for Earth Science Researchers. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Hybrid Meeting: H12P-0874
- Varadharajan, C., Crystal-Ornelas, R., O’Ryan, D., Bond-Lamberty, B., Beilsmith, K., Boye, K., et al. (2022). Community-developed (meta)data reporting formats to enable data reuse in environmental repositories. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Hybrid Meeting: IN41A-06
- Robles, E., Varadharajan, C., Burrus, M., Cholia, S., Crystal-Ornelas, R., Damerow, J., et al. (2022). A FAIR Guided and Community-Oriented Approach to Improving Metadata Quality in a Large Scale Data Repository. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Hybrid Meeting: IN41A-03
- Agarwal, D., Stockhause, M., Wyborn, L., Buck, J., Ayliffe, J., Stall, S. Enabling proper Citation of Individual Objects Across Large Collections of Datasets. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, Hybrid Meeting: IN42B-0338
- Damerow, J., Wood-Charlson, E., Varadharajan, C., Borton, M., Brodie, E., Canon, R., et al. (2022). Sample tracking and synthesis needs for exploring ecosystem response to climate and environmental disturbance. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Hybrid Meeting: IN55A-03
- Agarwal, D., Coward, C., Stall, S., Buck, J., Stockhause, M., Erdmann, C., et al. (2021). Enabling Citations of Large Numbers of Diverse Datasets. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2021, Hybrid Meeting: IN52B-04: AGU.
- Burrus, M., Varadharajan, C., Cholia, S., Hendrix, V. C., Damerow, J., Crystal-Ornelas, R., et al. (2021). Community Engagement Efforts to Encourage and Incentivize Data Archiving in the Environmental System Sciences Community. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2021, Hybrid Meeting: IN25B-0455: AGU.
- Cholia, S., Agarwal, D., Varadharajan, C., Damerow, J., Hendrix, V. C., Elbashandy, H., et al. (2021). Fostering Growth in the ESS-DIVE Data Repository. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2021, Hybrid Meeting: IN55A-02: AGU.
- Crystal-Ornelas, R., Burrus, M., Cholia, S., Damerow, J., Hendrix, V. C, Robles, E., et al. (2021). Fundamentals for Collaborating on Research Projects Using GitHub. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2021, Hybrid Meeting: U51B-06: AGU.
- Crystal-Ornelas, R., Varadharajan, C., Bond-Lamberty, B., Boye, K., Burrus, M., Cholia, S., Crow, M., et al. (2021). Community Data Standards for More Reusable Data in Earth and Environmental Science. Presented at AGU Fall Meeting 2021, Hybrid Meeting: IN55E-0282: AGU.
- Damerow, J., Varadharajan, C., Brodie, E., Canon, R., Dehal, R., Eloe-Fadrosh, E., et al. (2021). How do we make interdisciplinary sample data more FAIR? Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2021, Hybrid Meeting: IN34A-04: AGU.
- Damerow, J., Powers, L., Gries, C., Hienola, A. (2021). Connecting Disciplines and Data in Earth and Environmental Synthesis Research: Enabling International and Interdisciplinary Data Discovery, Integration, and Reuse III Poster. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2021, Hybrid Meeting: IN45F: AGU.
- Damerow, J., Powers, L., Gries, C., Hienola, A. (2021). Connecting Disciplines and Data in Earth and Environmental Synthesis Research: Enabling International and Interdisciplinary Data Discovery, Integration, and Reuse II eLightning. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2021, Hybrid Meeting: IN52B: AGU.
- Damerow, J., Powers, L., Gries, C., Hienola, A. (2021). Connecting Disciplines and Data in Earth and Environmental Synthesis Research: Enabling International and Interdisciplinary Data Discovery, Integration, and Reuse I Oral. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2021, Hybrid Meeting: IN53A: AGU.
- O’Ryan, D., Crystal-Ornelas, R., Agarwal, D., Boye, K., Cholia, S., Damerow, J., et al. (2021). Applying Community Data Reporting Formats to Open-Source Water Quality Data. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2021, Hybrid Meeting: IN45F-0495: AGU.
- Robles, E., Agarwal, D., Christianson, D., Faybishenko, B., Meng, L., Negron-Juarez, R., et al. (2021). Bringing more Tropical data to the table through the NGEE-Tropics data archive. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2021, Hybrid Meeting: B45D-1647: AGU.
- Robles, E., Varadharajan, C., Burrus, M., Damerow, J., Cholia, S., Elbashandy, H., et al. (2021). FAIR Dataset Metadata: An Analysis of Requirements across Environmental Science Data Repositories. Presented at AGU Fall Meeting 2021, Hybrid Meeting: IN54A-04: AGU.
- Weisenhorn, P. (2021). Applying Data Standards and Reproducible Workflows To Advance Earth System Science. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2021, Hybrid Meeting: IN52B-06: AGU.
- Crystal-Ornelas, R., Hudgins, E., Edwards, B., H., P. B. P., Martinez, C., Hébert, K., & Sánchez Reyes, L. Promoting GitHub use in Ecology and Evolution. Presented at SORTEE 2021, Virtual Conference.
- Agarwal, D., Cholia, S., Varadharajan, C., Hendrix, V. C., Damerow, J. E., Burrus, M., et al. (2020). The ESS-DIVE repository and next steps toward a usable, trusted, and FAIR repository. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual Conference: IN008-03.
- Burrus, M., O’Brien, F., Varadharajan, C., Hendrix, V. C., Cholia, S., Elbashandy, H., et al. (2020). Increasing visibility of historical datasets through modern repository practices. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual meeting: AGU.
- Crystal-Ornelas, R., Varadharajan, C., Bond-Lamberty, B. P., Boye, K., Burrus, M., Cholia, S., et al. (2020). Letting the community lead the way to data integration: Data standards and documentation developed by domain experts and the ESS-DIVE repository. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual Meeting: IN015-07: AGU.
- Damerow, J. E., Varadharajan, C., Boye, K., Burrus, M., Chadwick, K. D., Cholia, S., et al. (2020). Connecting environmental systems science and digital library practices. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual meeting: IN008-02.
- Ely, K. S., & Rogers, A. (2020). Making leaf physiology FAIR: a new standard for leaf-level gas exchange data and metadata. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual meeting: IN045-03.
- Hendrix, V. C., Christianson, D. S., Varadharajan, C., Burrus, M., Cholia, S., Cheah, Y.-W., et al. (2020). Tackling the challenges of Earth science data synthesis: Insights from (meta) data standards approaches. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual Meeting: IN012-07.
- Kakalia, Z., Varadharajan, C., Burrus, M., Christianson, D. S., Crystal-Ornelas, R., Damerow, J. E., et al. (2020). Incorporating data management best practices into scientific workflows. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual: IN016-07.
- Robles, E., Varadharajan, C., Cholia, S., Hendrix, V. C., Damerow, J. E., Burrus, M., et al. (2020). Optimizing the efficiency of metadata curation in large scale data repositories. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual meeting: IN047-09.
- Simmonds, M., Riley, W. J., Melara, M., Cholia, S., & Varadharajan, C. (2020). Addressing model data archiving needs for the Department of Energy’s environmental system science community. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Virtual Meeting: IN008-01.
- Varadharajan, C., Cholia, S., Snavely, C., Hendrix, V., Damerow, J., Burrus, M., et al. (2020). Community-oriented cross disciplinary repositories can enable science. Presented at the Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting: ESA.
- Agarwal, D., Varadharajan, C., Christianson, D. S., Hendrix, V., Damerow, J., Cheah, Y. W., et al. (2019). Addressing paradigm shifts and competing interests in an open science world. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, CA: IN22C-18.
- Agarwal, D., Varadharajan, C., Damerow, J., Cholia, S., Hendrix, V., Elbashandy, H., et al. (2019). Designing the ESS-DIVE data repository to be trusted by the community and FAIR. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, CA: IN14B-16.
- Damerow, J., Agarwal, D., Varadharajan, C., Cholia, S., Snavely, C., Hendrix, V., et al. (2019). Community engagement and standards for ESS-DIVE: A DOE Earth and environmental data repository. Presented at the DataONE Community Meeting 2019, Tacoma, WA.
- Damerow, J., Agarwal, D., Boye, K., Brodie, E., Cholia, S., Elbashandy, H., et al. (2019). Community use of persistent sample identifiers and metadata standards: supporting efficient data management in the field, laboratory, and online (Vol. 2019, p. IN32A–05). Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, CA: IN32A-05.
- Hendrix, V. C., Snavely, C., & Cholia, S. (2019). ESS-DIVE: A scalable community repository for managing Earth and environmental science data. Presented at the Gateways.
- Kakalia, Z., Damerow, J., Agarwal, D., Cholia, S., Elbashandy, H., Hendrix, V., et al. (2019). Standardizing metadata quality review for an environmental data repository. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA: IN14B-09.
- O’Brien, F., Agarwal, D., Cholia, S., Jones, C. S., Jones, M. B., Damerow, J., et al. (2019). Increasing efficiency in data publication using semi-automated workflow. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, CA: IN51F-0705.
- Robles, E., Agarwal, D., Christianson, D. S., Faybishenko, B., Negron Juarez, R. I., Pastorello, G., & Varadharajan, C. (2019). Utilizing interdisciplinary strategies for next generation ecosystem experiments data organization. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, CA: IN51F-0700.
- Varadharajan, C., Arora, B., Cholia, S., Christianson, D. S., Damerow, J., Dwivedi, D., et al. (2019). Utilizing diverse data in scientific analysis and modeling for water resource management. Presented at the AGU Fall meeting 2019, San Francisco, CA: IN51A-01.
- Varadharajan, C., Cholia, S., Damerow, J., Elbashandy, H., Hendrix, V., Jones, C. S., et al. (2019). A community-centered approach to managing environmental data in repositories (Vol. 2019). Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, CA: IN51F-0690.
- Agarwal, D., Varadharajan, C., Christianson, D. S., Cheah, Y. W., Pastorello, G., Chu, H., et al. (2018). Enabling scalable integration of diverse data. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington, D.C.: IN34B-01.
- Agarwal, D., Varadharajan, C., Cholia, S., Snavely, C., Hendrix, V., O’Brien, F., et al. (2018). Environmental System Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE): Report on our first 18 months. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington, D.C.: IN52B-06.
- Snavely, C., Alvarez, G., Hendrix, V., Cholia, S., & Lasiewski, S. (2018). Spin: A Docker-based platform for deploying science gateways at NERSC. Presented at the Proc. Gateways.
- Varadharajan, C., Hendrix, V., & Agarwal, D. (2018). A brokering approach to integrate diverse environmental datasets for online visualization, modeling and analysis. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington, D.C.: IN43A-11.
- Varadharajan, C., Cholia, S., Snavely, C., Hendrix, V., O’Brien, F., Elbashandy, A., Gunter, D., Riley, W., Jones, C., Jones, M., Budden, A. E., Vieglas, D. & Agarwal, D. (2018). ESS-DIVE publishing life cycle and community outreach. Presented at the ESS-PI Meeting 2018, Potomac, MD.
- Agarwal, D., Varadharajan, C., Cholia, S., Snavely, C., Hendrix, V., Gunter, D., et al. (2017). Environmental System Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE) – A new U.S. DOE data archive. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana: IN12B-06.
White Papers
- Cholia, S., Varadharajan, C., Pastorello, G. (2021). Integrating models with real-time field data for extreme events: From field sensors to models and back with AI in the loop [White paper]. U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information.
- Crystal-Ornelas, R., Varadharajan, C., Christianson, D., Damerow, J., Weierbach, H., Robles, E., Ramakrishnan, L., Faybishenko, B., Pastorello, G. (2021). A library of AI-assisted FAIR water cycle and related disturbance datasets to enable model training, parameterization and validation [White paper]. U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information.
- Crystal-Ornelas, R., Varadharajan, C., Christianson, D., Damerow, J., Weierbach, H., Robles, E., Ramakrishnan, L., Faybishenko, B., Pastorello, G. (2021). A library of AI-assisted FAIR water cycle and related disturbance datasets to enable model training, parameterization and validation [White paper]. U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information.
- Varadharajan, C., Wu, Y., Wiedlea, A., Jardine, K., Wainwright, H., Crystal-Ornelas, R., Damerow, J., Weirbach, H., Groves, T., Pastorello, G., Ramakrishnan, L., Mueller, J., Christianson, D. (2021). Observational capabilities to capture water cycle event dynamics and impacts in the age of AI [White paper]. U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information.
- Varadharajan, C., Kumar, V., Willard, J., Zwart, J., Sadler, J., Weierbach, H., Perciano, T., Mueller, J., Hendrix, V., Christianson, D. (2021). Using machine learning to develop a predictive understanding of the impacts of extreme water cycle perturbations on river water quality [White paper]. U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information.
Datasets and Reporting Formats
- Agarwal, D., Ayliffe, J., J. H. Buck, J., Damerow, J., Parton, G., Stall, S., Stockhause, M., & Wyborn, L. (2025). Complex Citation Working Group Recommendation. Zenodo.
- Damerow, J., Raia, N., Stanley, V., Byers, N., Choe, S., Edmunds, R., et al. (2024). A Scientific Author Guide for Publishing Open Research Using Physical Samples. ESIP. Online resource.
- Raia, N., Damerow, J., Stanley, V., Lehnert, K., O’Ryan, D., Plomp, E., et al. (2023). 4 Steps to Publish Open Earth Science Samples. ESIP. Online resource.
- (2023). ESS-DIVE Unoccupied Aerial Systems (UAS) Reporting Format v1 [Dataset]. Environmental Systems Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE).
- Weisenhorn, P., Beilsmith, K. (2022). ESS-DIVE Reporting Format for Amplicon Abundance Table [Dataset]. Environmental System Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE).
- Crystal-Ornelas, R., Varadharajan, C., Beilsmith, K., Bond-Lamberty, B., Boye, K., Burrus, M., et al. (2022). Data from: “Enabling FAIR data in Earth and environmental science with community-centric (meta)data reporting formats” [Dataset]. Environmental System Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE).
- Crystal-Ornelas, R., O’Ryan, D., Christianson, D., Hendrix, V.C., Agarwal, D., Varadharajan, C. (2022). ESS-DIVE Reporting Format for Location Metadata [Dataset]. Environmental System Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE).
- Boye, K., Crystal-Ornelas, R., O’Ryan, D., Goldman, A.E., Damerow, J., Varadharajan, C., Agarwal, D. (2022). ESS-DIVE Reporting Format for Sample-based Water and Soil Chemistry Measurements [Dataset]. Environmental System Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE).
- Agarwal, D., Cholia, S., Hendrix, V.C., Crystal-Ornelas, R., Snavely, C., Damerow, J., Varadharajan, C. (2022). ESS-DIVE Reporting Format for Dataset Package Metadata [Dataset]. Environmental System Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE).
- Velliquette, T., Welch, J., Crow, M., Devarakonda, R., Heinz, S., Crystal-Ornelas, R. (2021). ESS-DIVE Reporting Format for Comma-separated Values (CSV) File Structure [Dataset]. Environmental System Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE).
- Simmonds, M. B., Crystal-Ornelas, R., Riley, W., Agarwal, D., Chen, X., Cholia, S., Coon, E., Dwivedi, D., Hendrix, V. C., Huang, M., Jan, A., Kakalia, Z., Kumar, J., Koven, C., Li, L., Melara, M., Ramakrishnan, L., Ricciuto, D., Walker, A., Zhi, W., Zhu, Q., Varadharajan, C. (2021). ESS-DIVE guidelines for archiving terrestrial model data [Dataset]. Environmental Systems Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE).
- Goldman, A., Ren, H., Torgeson, J., Zhou, H. (2021). ESS-DIVE Reporting Format for Hydrologic Monitoring Data and Metadata [Dataset]. Environmental Systems Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE).
- McNelis, J., Crow, M., and Devarakonda, R. (2020). ESS-DIVE File Level Metadata Extractor. Computer Software. U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information.
- Bond-Lamberty, B., Christianson, D. S., Robert, C.-O., Kayla, M., & Pennington, S. C. (2021). ESS-DIVE reporting format for field measurements of soil respiration [Dataset]. Environmental Systems Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE).
- Crystal-Ornelas, R., Varadharajan, C., Bond-Lamberty, B., Boye, K., Cholia, S., Crow, M., et al. (2021). Data from: “A guide to using GitHub for developing and versioning data standards and reporting formats” [Dataset]. Environmental Systems Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE).
- Crystal-Ornelas, R., Varadharajan, C., Bond-Lamberty, B., Boye, K., Burrus, M., Cholia, S., et al. (2021). Templates for developing and versioning data standards and reporting formats using GitHub [Dataset]. Environmental Systems Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE).
- Damerow, J., Varadharajan, C., Boye, K., Brodie, E., Burrus, M., Chadwick, D., et al. (2020). ESS-DIVE global sample numbers and metadata reporting format for Environmental Systems Science (IGSN-ESS) [Dataset]. Environmental Systems Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE).
- Ely, K., Rogers, A., & Crystal-Ornelas, R. (2020). ESS-DIVE reporting format for leaf-level gas exchange data and metadata [Dataset]. Environmental Systems Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE).